Ok, here's some stuff about me. My name is Megaera Wells, I'm 14 and live in North Carolina wid my family: My mum, Diane, my older bro: Joe, 16 and my lil bro: Will, 11. My older bro works at a pet store called Fish And Pets. We have a lot of animals including reptiles. We just got a new puppy, it's a Beagle and his name is Itchy. Our other dogs are Chigger, Black Lab, Ziggy, Mutt and my dog Dixie Bell a Golden Retriever. Right now I don't have much on my website but I change it whenever I feel like it so look around, sign the guestbook or I'll hunt you down and kill you and come back later if you wish. Or if your still alive...so sign the dayum guestbook. 